The mystery of menstruation. I find it truly fascinating that as women we have the capacity to grow and shed a lining every month. That our cycle can also sync with other women’s cycles (much to the dismay of Dads with a house of...
Why cervical mucus is not talked about outside of the context of fertility is something I will never understand! I remember when I went off the birth control pill for the first time in my early 20s. I had been on it since I...
Did you know that it is actually your brain that initiates your period? Yes, what happen to your ovaries and uterus is actually determined not only in that local area but also by your brain, thyroid, inflammation etc. I like to break the menstrual...
The menstrual cycle is key aspect of a woman’s life. Although the cycle technically doesn’t define you as a woman, your XX genetics do that, we associate our femininity with this aspect of life. Whether you welcome it, or have disdain for it, when...
Do you ever feel like your body is protecting your fat stores for some weird reason? Like the whole universe is just going out of its way to keep you 10,20,50 or 100lbs over weight? What about hunger? How often do you feel full?...
I feel like today’s article could be renamed as “a few of my favorite things”! We are jamming on the thyroid, inflammation, detox pathways, gut health, estrogen and how all of these factors interact. Throughout my years of learning about the thyroid I was...
Today I am excited to try something a little bit different! We are going to take a slight deviation from the topic of metabolic hormones and dive into how Fat Loss can INHIBIT FAT LOSS. I know this sounds counter-intuitive, but for so many...
As you will come to learn today, the glutathione system is of critical importance to all metabolically active systems in the body, AKA to everything! And we need to make more of it! Now I don’t want you to think that I am being...