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I am passionate about appropriate treatment of thyroid conditions. When your thyroid is well managed, and you are properly education you can feel at your best. I see this every day in my office.


The key to successful treatment of thyroid conditions is to recognize and address your unique needs as an individual. Do you have other hormonal imbalances, nutrient deficiencies, inflammation or digestive issues? Is your liver functioning properly, do you know the best diet and lifestyle practices for your individual needs? These are the types of questions we need to answer to get you feeling like yourself again.

This thyroid program is aimed at understanding the true root cause of your condition. We will work together to define your individual goals, optimize your thyroid hormone production, conversion and also support the health of your cells so that your thyroid hormone can do its job appropriately. This can be a complex process but my thyroid program is set up to make it as seamless as possible!



During the customization of this program I will provide you with options for nutrition support, personalized lab testing and targeted supplementation. We will also have a discussion about appropriate lifestyle modifications and moderate exercise plans.


They key thing that you will notice coming into my office is that I am not dogmatic and all plans will be made collaboratively! There are no surprises and recommendations will be realistic for your time, energy and financial situations.



First Naturopathic Visit (1.5 hours)

  • Education around thyroid health and the immune response
  • Thorough investigation into all aspects of health
  • Physical exam initiated along with any other appropriate in office testing
  • An individualized supplement and diet program will be initiated.
  • Laboratory blood work may be required based on your individual needs and what has been completed to date. These levels are monitored over time.


Second Naturopathic Visit (45 minutes)

4 weeks after initial visit

  • Thorough review of initial thyroid results, nutrient, inflammation and hormone lab tests
  • The need for prescription thyroid medication will be discussed based on results.
  • Supplementation and dietary recommendations will be further customized
  • Requisition for thyroid labs provided


Third Naturopathic Visit (30 minutes)

6 weeks after second visit

  • Thorough review of recent thyroid labs and changes to supplements and medications assessed
  • Reassess appropriate in office testing
  • Check in on diet and lifestyle changes
  • Address any new or ongoing concerns
  • Requisition for thyroid labs provided (if needed)



Fourth Naturopathic Visit (30 minutes)

6 weeks after third visit

  • Thorough review of recent thyroid labs and changes to supplements and medications assessed
  • Reassess appropriate in office testing
  • Check in on diet and lifestyle changes
  • Address any new or ongoing concerns
  • Requisition for updated thyroid, nutrient, inflammation and hormone lab tests


Consistency is the key to ongoing success!


You can be well with thyroid conditions! This appointment framework functions as a template to help you to understand the journey we will embark on to get you feeling like yourself again. You will leave these appointments feeling educated, supported and clear about your path to optimal health.


Follow up appointments listed here are optional and changes to the frequency may be recommended based on your other health conditions. After this program has ceased most patients also choose to continue care on a schedule that we determine together.


I really look forward to being your partner in health on this journey! Congratulations on taking the first steps and I can’t wait to meet you in real life!